About Me

I am a third-year PhD student within the Machine Learning group, Data Science department, at EURECOM, under the supervision of Prof. Maurizio Filippone.

My current research is focused on the interface between probabilistic modeling and deep learning.

My ambitious aim is to develop models that are more interpretable, scalable and data efficient. I’m particularly investigating better priors and more efficient inference techniques for deep probabilistic models.

Please feel free to check out my list of publications, software and contact me for a research discussion.

Contact: ba-hien (dot) tran (at) eurecom (dot) fr ; bahientranvn (at) gmail (dot) com .

Latest News

December 06, 2023

I have received the 1st prize of ‘Prix de thèse de l’EDITE 2023’ (Best PhD thesis award) from Sorbonne University!

November 30, 2022 U.S. (New Orleans)

I will be attending the NeurIPS conference and presenting our JMLR paper.

October 01, 2022 U.S. (California, Irvine)

I’m visiting the groups of Professors Stephan Mandt and Babak Shahbaba at UCI for three months.

March 01, 2022 Canada (Montreal)

Accepted for a contributed talk at ISBA 2022 World Meeting on ‘Functional Priors for Bayesian Deep Learning’.

September 01, 2021

Invited to serve as a reviewer for AISTATS.

September 01, 2020

I have joined EURECOM as a PhD student in Machine Learning.