Functional Priors for Bayesian Deep Learning
Talk, UCI, Center for Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems, California, US
University of Calinfornia, Irvine; Center for Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems.
Talk, UCI, Center for Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems, California, US
University of Calinfornia, Irvine; Center for Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems.
Talk, Stanford University, Stefano Ermon's Group, California, US
Stanford University, Stefano Ermon’s Group.
Talk, SIAM Conference on Imaging, Berlin, Germany (online)
The SIAM Conference on Imaging Science (IS22), organized by Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
Talk, Alan Turing Institute, Data Centric Engineering Group, London, UK (online)
Alan Turing Institute, Data Centric Engineering Group; London, UK (online).